Out there

Out there
Out there
Out there
Viime kuukausien kylmin ja sateisin viikonloppu rauhoituttiin suosikkisaarella saaristossa. /// The summer cottage at the seaside was a perfect place to spend one of the coldest and rainiest weekend of the past two months.

Random is what random does

Random is what random does
Random is what random does
Random is what random does
Random is what random does
Random is what random does
Eka: Cariboun keikka Tavastialla.
Toka: Myöhäisillan kävely kohti kotia.
Kolmas: Kesätukka.
Neljäs: Polkupyörä - saa ottaa.
Viides: Uusi duuni, uudet maisemat!
First: Caribou live at Tavastia Club.
Second: Walking home late at night.
Third: Summer cut.
Fourth: Bicycle for free.
Fifth: New job, new view.

Real eyes realize real lies

Real eyes realize real lies
Uusi viikko, uusi rulla, uudet kujeet. /// New week, new roll of film, new tricks.

Finelandia @ Facebook

Finelandia @ Facebook
Aiempi Bangkoking & Finelandia-ryhmä Facebookissa on nyt korvattu upouudella sivulla. Tervetuloa messiin! /// I´d be extremely happy to see you all at our brand new Facebook page!

Floating by

Ice floating by
Ice floating by
Ice floating by
Ice floating by
Ice floating by
Aurinkoisena sunnuntaina jäälautat lipuivat ohitse eivätkä palanneet. Näkyy ensi talvena. /// On a sunny Sunday the drift ice floated by and didn´t turn back. I´ll see you next winter!